It doesn't permanently alter the settings. To return to the original settings, simply remove it from the OBD2 port. This item will not affect the car's original settings. It will not damage the engine and the ECU. Fuel Save Pro detects your vehicle and your driving habits after about 150 miles. Then, it will adjust itself engine to match your car perfectly.
The Fuel Save Pro fuel saver chip was built with high-quality tech materials. It's extremely effective and lasts a long time. Fuel Save Pro is small and doesn't cause any damage to your car's wiring, ICU or engine, unlike other similar fuel savers. Fuel Save Pro will top quality technology not cause fuel optimization problems or short circuits.
The majority of today's remapping products are adverse effects electronic control unit expensive and intended for long-term use. Once they are placed, these gadgets can be difficult or impossible to remove. Additionally, if you purchase from the manufacturer's official website, you have 30 days to return the item for a full technology refund.
Is Fuel Save Pro Any GoodIt takes up little space and isn’t disruptive to your vehicle. This device will save you fuel and improve the performance of your vehicle. It's small enough to be simple to install and doesn’t make your car look bad.
This Fuel Save Pro can be used to reduce your car's fuel consumption. The Fuel Giant ($89.95 plus $13 Shipping) is a curved-edged plastic device that fits in the air-intake line. The airflow is supposed to allow for better performance. The Fuel Genie was installed on a 2004 Toyota Tundra (and a 2004 Dodge Stratus).